Oh my has it really been that long since I first began this blog? Sheesh I have had a spring holiday since then and my summer holiday is creeping up fast....I really must make more of an effort! LOL
Had a good evening out tonight. My son, my daughter and her friend plus myself all went to a "Family Fortunes" charity night at the local family/children's centre (where I work as a youth group leader), though the event was put on my our local parish council. It was fun and we did very well - we actually came 3rd much to our amazement. We all enjoyed it so it is hoped that there will be more of these nights, maybe every couple of months, that would be something to look forward to.
I haven't made too many tags of late, always something else happening to take up my time, you know.........that thing they call real life....boy doesn't that suck at times! LOL If I had my way I'd be here at the computer 24/7 making tags and visiting my PSP sites, writing up my blog on a regular basis (cough cough), even trying to make templates and scrapkit elements (I don't use scripts, just what I can make from scratch) but I am still a novice when it comes to those things, plus I could play games and do stuff on facebook and wherever else I lay my hat....I get around! LOL
I shall try and remember to come back here more regular and post my latest creations, be they good or bad; heck sometimes you need to see someone else's disasters at PSP to realise how good you are! LMAO
Right I'm off to have one of my favourite caramel lattes to celebrate our 3rd place win tonight - YAY!
Catch up with you all soon.......