Saturday, 6 June 2020

Sunday, 5 April 2020


Somehow we have arrived into the fourth month of the year in just one blink.
I was ill before Christmas which dragged on until the new year and left me very tired.
Now things have changed so dramatically and so fast.
Everything feels so surreal with all that is happening around the world.
We are in lockdown, only allowed to go out for essential work, essential shopping, medical reasons and health - one walk, run, jog or cycle per day. social distancing, shortage of goods in the supermarkets, no non-essential travel by car or public transport, no seeing family or friends, can only be with those you live with. Everything else is closed - non-food shops, pubs, clubs, cafes, restaurants, gyms, pools, leisure centres, public buildings, parks, fast food outlets - and more - all gone, all closed. The world is like one huge ghosttown .... so eerie with empty roads  and streets.
Not seeing my daughter and granddaughter is so unbelievably hard. I miss them so much. We can see each other on Facetime, I can watch my granddaughter play and interact with her, but it is not the same. Blowing kisses is no substitute for giving them real hugs and kisses. But we are all in this together, we all know how others are feeling and we can look forward to when it is all over.
My son has now had his second surgery as he was offered a cancellation before the virus took hold and cancelled all but urgent and emergency surgery. He was in a cast for 3 weeks. I took him back to the hospital to have the cast removed and the walking boot given to him, all was good. His consultant was pleased with how surgery had gone and with his healing. My son was looking forward to getting outside again for his permitted walk..... that did not happen. A couple of days later he showed early symptoms of covid 19, which soon took hold and he became very ill. He is a healthy young man, but we had to get him antibiotics and an inhaler as he was having breathing issues due to the cough and congestion. Thank the Lord the meds did the trick pretty fast. He is now over the worst and making a good recovery, not fully recovered but he is up and about within the house again.
I have had to keep my distance from him, I am high risk with my COPD, but so far I am doing good.
I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone, it has been so very scary. I thank God for protecting us and bringing us through this ordeal.

Masks - these have not been on my agenda, but I will look at making more once I feel the urge again. I think I did make a few new ones at the end of last year but didn't complete a full set, so they are sat in a folder gathering dust.
Sometimes your priorities change and all good intentions grind to a halt.....

Keep Safe, Stay Home, Take Care

Hug and prayers for those who need them xx


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